We are building

We make Estonia more beautiful through high quality and durable buildings.
The founders and key people of Revin have been builders for several generations. The passion for construction works, which has been passed on from fathers to sons, has made Revin Group one of the biggest сonstruction companies in Virumaa. The opportunity change the home neighbourhood and make the whole of Estonia more beautiful through high-quality and long-lasting building stock take us further towards even bigger challenges. Recognitions such as "Concrete Building of the Year" or just the gratitude of people for an insulated apartment building, make us happy and inspire us to go to work every morning.
About us
We believe that the whole process has to be full of anticipation for the contracting entity, not a constant headache. Over the years we have moved from smaller sites to bigger ones, and we have learnt to take responsibility, which is entailed in our work. Our houses are not built by lawyers. We can proudly say that all of our sites have been completed on time and without any penalties. Today we are able to build quite challenging and vital facilities such as the Rakvere Hospital.
100 000
Built in
square metres
Head office
City of Rakvere
Main region
Revin Group has over 10 years of experience in the construction industry.
Our projects
Today's construction companies have to meet high standards. We are one of the few builders of Virumaa who have ISO certificates regarding the management system, conservation of the environment and work environment, as well as licences for the construction, supervision and renovation of objects protected under heritage conservation.
Revin Grupp OÜ
CEO and Board Member

General contracting of construction works and project management

We will handle all tasks and obligations related to the completion of the object. We are the responsible party from the beginnig to the end of the project.

General construction and special works

We will gladly perform general construction works or challenging special works, which require particular in-depth professional knowledge.

Reconstruction of apartment buildings

We will carry out measurements, develop a solution, price, coordinate with the city and perform the constructional part.

General construction

We will turn ideas into thorough documentation which allows us to price, coordinate and perform required construction works.

Renovation works for objects protected under heritage conservation

We are familiar with the procedural rules, materials and work techniques that are necessary for the worthy restoration of historical objects.

Construction supervision

As experts in the construction field, we help owners monitor both the documentation as well as the adherence of the construction process to requirements and deadlines.

Our projects
Revin Grupp

Karja 18

Maja paikneb Rakveres ja on uueks koduks nii neile, keda paelub rahulik elu, kui ka neile, kelle näpp peab alati olema elu pulsil. Rajatav korterelamu on kahekorruseline ja selles hakkab paiknema ühtekokku 6 korterit, millest neli on 2-toalised ja kaks on 4-toalised. Turvalises ja haljastatud sisehoovis on puhkealad, mis pakuvad suurepärast võimalust värskes õhus lõõgastumiseks.

Rakvere Linnavalitsus

Rakvere Health Centre

Et Rakvere püsiks terve, tuli rajada Rakvere Tervisekeskus. Selle projekti puhul oli palju väljakutseid, aga siinkohal toome välja vaid kolm. Esiteks, hoone pidi vastama liginullenergia nõuetele. Teiseks, ehitisega koos tuli rajada ka linnaväljak. Ning kolmandaks, keskus vajas ka väga põhjalikku siseviimistluslahendust. Aga head uudised: me saime sellega hakkama. Rakvere, ole terve!

New projects

Võidu 99

New projects

Kastani 10A

Hoone paikneb Rakveres ja on uueks koduks nii neile, keda paelub rahulik elu, kui ka neile, kelle näpp peab alati olema elu pulsil. Rajatav korterelamu on neljakorruseline ja selles hakkab paiknema ühtekokku 16 korterit. Maja juurde loome turvalise ja haljastatud sisehoovi, kus lapsed saavad rõõmsalt mängida ja vanemad värskes õhus mõnusalt aega veeta, näiteks päikesekiiri nautides või naabritega uudiseid jagades.

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Performance which lies in cooperation

Revin Group mainly deals with general contracting. We consider our greatest strength to be the thoughtful management of the entire construction process, which gives peace of mind to the contracting entity as well as saves money due to the avoidance of errors. Our extensive outsourcing network includes long-term partners who we can trust in general construction and special works. This is why we are Revin Group, not just Revin.